So then came the rest of the Christmas shopping. I was surprised when I was done by mid-December. Go me! Well that is what I thought. Come to find out, one of Kaidynce's gifts didn't work (aka was broke) in the box and on Dec. 23rd, on our way to San Diego, we had to stop at 3 different Targets to find it. The third store had ONE and I grabbed it. It worked (thank god).
For Christmas, we enjoyed a visit with family at my dad's and the kids absolutely enjoyed being at Grandpa's house. We had a nice dinner on Christmas Eve at my dad's and then returned to the timeshare to set out cookies and milk for Santa reindeer food for Rudolph. Did you know that reindeer will eat all of their food off the small balcony of a second story timeshare/condo? Yeah....not sure the downstairs neighbor appreciated a deck full of glitter and oatmeal but my kids sure thought that the empty balcony was great. It meant Rudolph came. Brennan was a little concerned though that Santa left one cookie. I think we will have to talk to Santa next year. It took me pointing out the big stack of presents to him before he actually realized Santa came and left them. He walked right past them to see if Rudolph ate his food but didn't notice them. Gotta love kids right? So after a great morning enjoying gifts at the timeshare, the kids learned that Santa also visited Grandpa's house (who knew!). More toys but the greatest gift left by Santa was the scooters. We had to bribe the kids to get them in the house for lunch. And then we had to fight them to take a nap so we could enjoy the evening and not have devil children arrive.
So here are some pictures of our wonderful holiday. Hope you enjoy!