So yesterday while sitting in the waiting room at the doctor's office for Kaidynce's well check, Brennan tells me he can spell things. So I ask him to spell his name, expecting the typical, "B...r...n....I can't" response I usually get from him. But not this time. This time, he looked me straight in the eye and spelled his name perfectly. I was so excited since he hasn't done this at all for us. Then we discussed doing some in our workbook (thank you Costco) this weekend. He told me it was really important to catch up because he had so much homework to do and that he is behind. I love my little brain child.
So I thought I would test the world of the unknown and ask Kaidynce to spell her name, knowing I might get the K and that was about it. Nope, she surprised me to. Her response, "K...a....d....y" and that is much better than past responses so I will take it.
I think this weekend calls for some reading time with Brennan to see if he can recognize some of the easy words in our books. And we will work with Kaidynce on letter recognition. Their brains absorb so much and we can make it very fun this weekend.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Trying to get back in the blogging mode
So life got the best of me and I ventured away from this to pursue other time consuming activities. You know the activities I am talking, work, exercise, kids, work....oh and vacation. It was a nice family vacation that was two wonderful weeks of relaxation. And I really do mean relaxation. I don't know how many times I took naps on the patio while the kids were taking naps in their "camping beds" and my husband played games on his iPhone but it was bliss....sweet bliss.
Anyway, with the recent changes at Facebook (which I am none too impressed with), I plan on bringing my quirks and daily statuses here and transforming them into longer than 140 character summaries. At least here I can explain why Tangled is on constant repeat in our house, or why my son spelling his own name in the doctor's office today brought me to tears.
Tomorrow will begin updating more frequently, both with pictures and stories of the things that take place in our world and the humor that is our life.
Anyway, with the recent changes at Facebook (which I am none too impressed with), I plan on bringing my quirks and daily statuses here and transforming them into longer than 140 character summaries. At least here I can explain why Tangled is on constant repeat in our house, or why my son spelling his own name in the doctor's office today brought me to tears.
Tomorrow will begin updating more frequently, both with pictures and stories of the things that take place in our world and the humor that is our life.
Monday, March 28, 2011
March brings....
So March brought to us Brennan turning 4! Yeah, he doesn't understand that he didn't ask for permission before growing up. He thinks I said it was okay to grow up. Yeah right! I want him small again and needing his cuddles, and most of all, not being mean. Yeah he is a typical 4 year old in that he wants things his way and at that moment. We are working on that one.
So he wanted a Buzz Lightyear and Woody birthday with a Buzz and Woody cake with Martian Alien cupcakes. If you have seen the movie you would know exactly what he was referring to. But just in case, here is a picture so you can see how creative I was for this request.

And then his friends showed up for some backyard playing in which they climbed all over the swingset but couldn't fall because the shark would get them.

He received all kinds of presents that he has thoroughly enjoyed, especially his nerf gun and his cowboy stuff. He has been shooting the bad guys since!

We ended the day with one of his friends hanging out at the house and watching cartoons while her mom ran some errands. He was so excited that she was able to stay.

So as Brennan thinks it is okay to grow up and get bigger, Kaidynce has decided to do it too. She is no longer wearing diapers and totally is enjoying wearing panties with only one day of accidents so far! So much easier than Brennan's potty training experiences.
Well dinner should be getting done so I best be feeding my growing children so that they don't rebel against me. Hope to update you all soon!
So he wanted a Buzz Lightyear and Woody birthday with a Buzz and Woody cake with Martian Alien cupcakes. If you have seen the movie you would know exactly what he was referring to. But just in case, here is a picture so you can see how creative I was for this request.
And then his friends showed up for some backyard playing in which they climbed all over the swingset but couldn't fall because the shark would get them.

He received all kinds of presents that he has thoroughly enjoyed, especially his nerf gun and his cowboy stuff. He has been shooting the bad guys since!
We ended the day with one of his friends hanging out at the house and watching cartoons while her mom ran some errands. He was so excited that she was able to stay.
So as Brennan thinks it is okay to grow up and get bigger, Kaidynce has decided to do it too. She is no longer wearing diapers and totally is enjoying wearing panties with only one day of accidents so far! So much easier than Brennan's potty training experiences.
Well dinner should be getting done so I best be feeding my growing children so that they don't rebel against me. Hope to update you all soon!
Monday, March 7, 2011
We are "those" parents
So on Thursday, I went to pick up the kids at daycare and while getting Brennan's stuff together to head out, his teacher asked if the other teacher told me what he did that day. Oh great - here it comes.
She proceeds to inform me that the other teacher caught him peeing on the playground. Now mind you, yes we do let him pee outside at home but he knows not to do it anywhere else. So they explain to him that it is not allowed and he was told to sit on the platform where the teachers are while they cleaned it up and disinfected it. So as I am trying hard not to laugh when she is telling me this, she proceeds to tell me the other thing he did that day.
Aaron has taught the kids to give a "good game" which is a smack on the butt while saying good game. It is cute but at the same time, inappropriate in some situations. Well he has given each of his teachers one at some point or another, but when he gave the director of the preschool one, we explained that he could only do it at home. But alas, he did not listen. He gave a parent one on Thursday and she was a little upset (okay a lot upset). The teacher explained that it was not sexual or malicious but just in fun. The parent didn't care.
So we had to talk to him this weekend about these two things. He apologized to the teacher for the peeing thing on Thursday and will be apologizing to the parent today for the good game.
We will see when we pick him up how the apology went.
She proceeds to inform me that the other teacher caught him peeing on the playground. Now mind you, yes we do let him pee outside at home but he knows not to do it anywhere else. So they explain to him that it is not allowed and he was told to sit on the platform where the teachers are while they cleaned it up and disinfected it. So as I am trying hard not to laugh when she is telling me this, she proceeds to tell me the other thing he did that day.
Aaron has taught the kids to give a "good game" which is a smack on the butt while saying good game. It is cute but at the same time, inappropriate in some situations. Well he has given each of his teachers one at some point or another, but when he gave the director of the preschool one, we explained that he could only do it at home. But alas, he did not listen. He gave a parent one on Thursday and she was a little upset (okay a lot upset). The teacher explained that it was not sexual or malicious but just in fun. The parent didn't care.
So we had to talk to him this weekend about these two things. He apologized to the teacher for the peeing thing on Thursday and will be apologizing to the parent today for the good game.
We will see when we pick him up how the apology went.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
The Perry's have been a busy bunch
So now that things have been not as busy, I can catch up on here again.
Brennan is going to be 4 in just a couple weeks. Where the hell has time gone? What happened to my sweet little boy? Well here is what happened - he grew, he got too smart for his own good, he wants to be big and strong like his daddy, but still tells me he will always be "mommy's baby boy." Does it make me feel better? Kind of - at least the last part. He has become this sweet, caring little boy who also has moments of not listening, hitting, and talking back. But seriously - telling me that he is still my baby boy somehow makes me forget those not listening, hitting, and talking back moments. That is, until Kaidynce starts crying and comes to me saying Brennan hit her, while holding her forehead in what could be perceived as extreme pain but in reality is a teeny tiny red mark that is more pronounced by her hand holding her head than his original hit.
But he is growing up. And testing the boundaries. For example, his bedtime is 8:00. But does he go to sleep at 8:00? Hell no! Here is a typical night's conversation come bedtime:
Brennan: "Mommy, I need a drink."
Me: "You just had a drink and you don't need another."
Brennan: "But mommy, I DO need a drink because I am coughing." Insert fake cough here.
Me: "Fine, you can have one drink." I do this because it will be a never ending conversation with him that will end in a crying fit that will wake Kaidynce and completely put mommy in a bad mood for the remaining two hours that is adult time.
Brennan: "Thank you mommy. My cough is gone."
Yeah the kid won. I know but in all reality, the one tablespoon of water I put in the cup for him to drink was worth it to not hear the crying.
Another of his testing the boundaries is that somewhere along the lines he has learned to roll his eyes (my biggest pet peeve of children to do to their elders) and sigh with huffs and puffs when he doesn't get his way. Yes, it takes every ounce of my being, sitting on my hands, for me not to react to either of these. So calmly (I emphasize calmly because it takes major effort on my part) I tell him that he is to follow mommy and daddy's rules in the house and if he doesn't like it, he can choose to live in his bedroom for the remainder of the night. He doesn't like this choice so he suffers with the rules mommy and daddy set forth.
Now of course, Kaidynce is picking up on these habits too. Yay for mommy and daddy! Not really considering her reactions are much more dramatic. The typical eye roll is paired with a huff, puff, and shrugging of the shoulders followed by a flat out ignoring of mommy or daddy. This frustrates daddy more than mommy as I can put up with the ignoring. And she reminds us daily that she is not a baby, but a big girl. Yet, she has no desire to get out of diapers - a whole different frustration.
But she really does have a very happy and bubbly personality. For example, her bedtime routine consists of kissing Brennan good night and then running into her room, jumping in her bed, and covering up under her blanket so that she is "hiding" from Daddy. He then comes in, lays on her (because he can't see her since she is "hiding") and commences to tickle her. This is a HUGE improvement from just a couple months ago where we had to lay with her for anywhere from 15 min to and hour just to get her to sleep.
She also loves her music and loves to be without clothes (oh wait - bad combo for daddy's heart). She sings all the time, making up her own songs. She dances all the time, including when she is getting dressed, resulting in her dancing around the house naked and providing daddy with chest pains. This morning while getting her dressed, she stripped down to nothing, put her hands on my knees, and started shaking her booty. She then started singing "I shake my booty. Naked girl shakes her booty." Yeah it is a good thing Daddy is out of town right now otherwise I might be writing this from the hospital where he would be undergoing testing on his heart. He keeps telling me he needs more guns before she starts school. Wonder why?
We do however feel that she will be our child to break the rules when she is older. You know that kid that brings the boy home, goes to her room, shuts the door and tells the boy not to worry that it will all be okay. Yeah she will be that child! Poor boys don't know that they are in for. Yeah we are looking into some kind of curtain for her door when she is older and removing all doors from their hinges.
So as Brennan turns 4 and Kaidynce enters the world of singing and dancing, the Perry family is doing great. I will try and keep updated more often if life can just slow down a bit to do it!
Brennan is going to be 4 in just a couple weeks. Where the hell has time gone? What happened to my sweet little boy? Well here is what happened - he grew, he got too smart for his own good, he wants to be big and strong like his daddy, but still tells me he will always be "mommy's baby boy." Does it make me feel better? Kind of - at least the last part. He has become this sweet, caring little boy who also has moments of not listening, hitting, and talking back. But seriously - telling me that he is still my baby boy somehow makes me forget those not listening, hitting, and talking back moments. That is, until Kaidynce starts crying and comes to me saying Brennan hit her, while holding her forehead in what could be perceived as extreme pain but in reality is a teeny tiny red mark that is more pronounced by her hand holding her head than his original hit.
But he is growing up. And testing the boundaries. For example, his bedtime is 8:00. But does he go to sleep at 8:00? Hell no! Here is a typical night's conversation come bedtime:
Brennan: "Mommy, I need a drink."
Me: "You just had a drink and you don't need another."
Brennan: "But mommy, I DO need a drink because I am coughing." Insert fake cough here.
Me: "Fine, you can have one drink." I do this because it will be a never ending conversation with him that will end in a crying fit that will wake Kaidynce and completely put mommy in a bad mood for the remaining two hours that is adult time.
Brennan: "Thank you mommy. My cough is gone."
Yeah the kid won. I know but in all reality, the one tablespoon of water I put in the cup for him to drink was worth it to not hear the crying.
Another of his testing the boundaries is that somewhere along the lines he has learned to roll his eyes (my biggest pet peeve of children to do to their elders) and sigh with huffs and puffs when he doesn't get his way. Yes, it takes every ounce of my being, sitting on my hands, for me not to react to either of these. So calmly (I emphasize calmly because it takes major effort on my part) I tell him that he is to follow mommy and daddy's rules in the house and if he doesn't like it, he can choose to live in his bedroom for the remainder of the night. He doesn't like this choice so he suffers with the rules mommy and daddy set forth.
Now of course, Kaidynce is picking up on these habits too. Yay for mommy and daddy! Not really considering her reactions are much more dramatic. The typical eye roll is paired with a huff, puff, and shrugging of the shoulders followed by a flat out ignoring of mommy or daddy. This frustrates daddy more than mommy as I can put up with the ignoring. And she reminds us daily that she is not a baby, but a big girl. Yet, she has no desire to get out of diapers - a whole different frustration.
But she really does have a very happy and bubbly personality. For example, her bedtime routine consists of kissing Brennan good night and then running into her room, jumping in her bed, and covering up under her blanket so that she is "hiding" from Daddy. He then comes in, lays on her (because he can't see her since she is "hiding") and commences to tickle her. This is a HUGE improvement from just a couple months ago where we had to lay with her for anywhere from 15 min to and hour just to get her to sleep.
She also loves her music and loves to be without clothes (oh wait - bad combo for daddy's heart). She sings all the time, making up her own songs. She dances all the time, including when she is getting dressed, resulting in her dancing around the house naked and providing daddy with chest pains. This morning while getting her dressed, she stripped down to nothing, put her hands on my knees, and started shaking her booty. She then started singing "I shake my booty. Naked girl shakes her booty." Yeah it is a good thing Daddy is out of town right now otherwise I might be writing this from the hospital where he would be undergoing testing on his heart. He keeps telling me he needs more guns before she starts school. Wonder why?
We do however feel that she will be our child to break the rules when she is older. You know that kid that brings the boy home, goes to her room, shuts the door and tells the boy not to worry that it will all be okay. Yeah she will be that child! Poor boys don't know that they are in for. Yeah we are looking into some kind of curtain for her door when she is older and removing all doors from their hinges.
So as Brennan turns 4 and Kaidynce enters the world of singing and dancing, the Perry family is doing great. I will try and keep updated more often if life can just slow down a bit to do it!
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