Thursday, March 4, 2010

Salt, Pepper, and Pizza

Tonight we went out for pizza and as expected, Brennan was back to whining. So in order to get him to eat his dinner, I let him put parm. cheese on his food. That worked but then he wanted the other sprinkly stuff on the table. After telling him no more times than I can count, I let him experiment.

He covered, and I mean covered, his pizza in salt and took a bite. Expecting him to spit it out, I got the napkin ready. Much to my surprise, he took a second bite. That is when it hit him. He drank some water and said he wanted to try the pepper.

Aaron and I gave each other that look. You know, the I know he is going to cry when he takes a bite look. Again, much to our surprise, he finished his pizza, repeppering after each bite. It wasn't until his last couple bites that he needed a drink.

I guess his tastebuds are evolving!

1 comment:

  1. WOW! He sounds like my hubby. Gerred loves to eat a little bit of food with his pepper.
