April came and went rather quickly. Brennan and I took a trip to San Diego to visit with Aunt Jaimie, Cousin Amanda, and her baby Conrad. The trip was fun but quick and short. I wish I was closer to family in order to see everyone more often.
So now we are into May, hell we are almost back out of May. I will start with the beginning of the month. Brennan and Kaidynce were both down and out for 3 days with pink eye and the beginnings of pneumonia. It was a rough few days but they went back to daycare without causing me to lose too much hair.
Mother's Day brought a new smile to my face. I had a breakfast with Brennan in his classroom the Friday before the actual holiday. We had donuts and fruit and he gave me a little treasure chest with candies, a necklace, a picture of him, and a poem. It was sweet and I enjoyed being able to spend some special time with him in his environment.

That afternoon I had a party with Kaidynce in her classroom. She gave me a treat bag with some tea and her handprints laminated with a sentence that stated to remember when her hands were small. It is a magnet that hangs on the refrigerator at home and I love to look at it. We enjoyed juice, strawberries, pound cake, and ice cream on the playground.

On Mother's Day, Aaron let me sleep in and got up with the kids. He had them color pictures for me and they made cinnamon rolls as I requested. Of course, Aaron went outside to smoke and the kids took advantage of it and came to wake me up. It was okay though since I got up to pictures, coffee, and cinnamon rolls. We spent the day running errands and had a nice relaxing day.
So here we are at the end of May. Aaron and my anniversary is coming up. Can you believe it has been 5 years since we said I do? Dang time passes too fast. The kids are amazing us every day and I can't believe how big they are.
In fact, Brennan was given the discussion about boy and girl parts being different last night since he was very worried that Kaidynce's pee pee fell off and into her belly button (she has a small outie of a belly button when she stands up). He is climbing on the furniture in his room (namely the dresser) so we have moved furniture.
Kaidynce is suffering from "Mom doesn't focus on me and only me" syndrome. What, you have never heard of it? I will let you listen in the next time she suffers from it. It really is quite entertaining seeing how difficult life is for her.
Well this is my update for now. I will try and keep up with this since I promised it would be a way for me to share our quirks with everyone!
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