Anyway, so as I said, here we are in July. Things with the family are good. Aaron and I are learning so much about control when it comes to the kids. The kids are at the age of testing our every nerve and seeing which buttons do what to us.
Brennan is now taking his anger out on his sister. If he doesn't like what she says, does, or is about to do, he hits her. Needless to say, we are encouraging using words instead of contact, but he is struggling with this concept at home. I say at home because we found out at his progress conference today that he uses his words at school just fine without physical contact. But with every day and every hit from him, he loses a toy. He has lost a total of 4 toys so far with no real progress in this newest punishment. We will have to see what another week brings.
Kaidynce is developing more and more in her personality. She talks and talks and talks but we are only able to make out about 2/3 of what she says. She LOVES Tinkerbell and Buzz Lightyear. She is completely and utterly infatuated with shoes. In fact, if anyone is looking for ideas for her birthday, shoes and dress up stuff will be welcomed. I am sick of not being able to find my shoes when I need them. But in all seriousness, she is doing great. She is learning her shapes and colors with Brennan (well attempting to learn). We are working on potty training but right now her record is about 3 seconds on the potty chair before she is "done." We will get there.
Both kids are about to move to new classrooms in about a month. Kaidynce will be moving up to the Dolphin classroom, which is Brennan's current buddy classroom (some shared activities). Brennan will be moving to the preschool ward, and if all goes the way it is planned, will be with a teacher that encourages independence. His new class will also be going on field trips and have a lot more art/craft stuff to do. He will be learning more as well. We are all looking forward to the new developments to come, minus the part of Brennan leaving his current teachers whom we adore.

Aaron and I are doing great. We have our biweekly lunch dates without kids and it has helped in both our sanity and relationship. I highly encourage anyone to steal an hour when possible. Even though we are stuffing our faces with pizza, salad, or whatever the food of choice is that day, we are with each other and not having to worry about what the kids are doing.
Well since I have probably bored you to tears, I will end this now. Here's to a positive second half of a year!
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