Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Chinese

On Wednesday of last week, Aaron noticed we had bird eggs in our bird feeder (we use it as decor and not so much for food since we have such lovely winds). After dinner I went out and took some pics of the momma bird protecting her eggs.

I also took pics of Brennan's tomato plant to send to Grandma so she could see he was taking care of it. That is when I noticed that we had tomatoes.

I brought Brennan outside and showed him. He was so excited. He wanted to pick them but I explained we had to wait until they turned red. We watered the plant and went inside.

He called Grandma to tell her he had tomatoes on his plant. Told her he missed her and that she needed to come see him. Then as Aaron was talking to Grandma, Brennan starts yelling that the Chinese were going to eat his tomatoes. I about lost it. I have no clue where he learned that but he had all of us laughing so hard I am sure we were close to peeing our pants. He was very serious about the Chinese coming so I had to explain that his tomatoes were safe and that when they turned red, he could eat them. He finally calmed down.


Weight Lifter

So on Friday I decided that I was going to start the Jillian Michaels 30-day Shred. So I picked up the DVD at Walmart on my way home and thought the best time would be right before I shower each morning. On Saturday morning I began my workout, but not alone. Brennan and Kaidynce joined me in the living room jumping around, climbing through my legs, and then sitting on my stomach during the ab sessions (yes that made it very difficult to do the exercise). About halfway through the workout, Brennan started doing some of the exercises. By the end he was telling me we had a great workout.

Fast forward to Sunday morning. Aaron is outside doing the yard work so I started my workout. As soon as Brennan heard Jillian's voice, he came running out and got into position. I picked up my weights (didn't have them the first day) and Brennan wanted some too. I told him to go get a couple of his cars and use them as weights. So he did. He brought out the handmade wooden cars that have a hole in the top (made by my grandfather).

So we start working out. And Brennan did everything I did. Of course, he has his own interpretations of how the exercises look, but stuck with me for all 20 minutes. He even told me not to take a break until we were done working out (all I was doing was taking a drink). Here is a pic of him working out:

Last night he told me he can't wait to workout with me again.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Vacation

We took a mini vacation to San Diego to visit some friends and family for Easter weekend. The week prior to leaving was very stressful for me as it was coming up on the end of the quarter at work, the beginning of the month, payroll, and just not getting enough time to get it all done. I got through it though - BARELY!

Anyway, we head to San Diego on Thursday. The drive was nice and the kids were excellent. Friday we went to the beach and enjoyed the beautiful weather!

During our beach going I realized I was extremely happy. My little family was complete. The quirky things that come out of my son's mouth and the funny faces my daughter gives me make everything perfect. Oh and the hubby makes things great as well! Love ya dear!

We visited with friends later that day and played on the trampoline. By the way to the grandparents that might read this, the kids really loved the trampoline and would like one for Christmas - hint, hint!

Saturday the kids slept until 9 am. I could not believe it when I heard the little voice say, "Mommy, it is time to wake up. We don't need to sleep anymore. It is light out now." Rolling over to check the time, which I was sure was before 7 am, I was pleasantly surprised, okay completely overjoyed, to learn it was 8:53 am. I don't remember a time since kids that I slept past 7:30 am, let alone almost 9! We enjoyed a relaxing day at the timeshare where Brennan decided to try and sing the ABC song. It came out as follows:

ABC, how I know, QRSW next time won't you sing with me!

I was a proud mama! My son was trying to sing with Leap (the frog from the leap frog toys). He continued this each time with a different version. Kaidynce decided to take her independence further this week and took off out the back door of the timeshare, literally giving me a heart attack when I turned around and could not find her and she didn't answer to her name. Luckily, she was just purusing the back patio.

Easter Sunday we went to my dad's house and the kids, even Aaron, enjoyed hunting Easter eggs.

We had a great weekend and didn't want to come home but responsbility called and told us to come home! Hope you all had a great Easter