Thursday, September 9, 2010

Pictures of the House

So as I stated in my post a couple days ago, I was going to post some pictures of the house showing our painting project. Well here goes........

This is the before image of our tv wall (note the visible speaker wires):

Here are our after shots. The tv wall is now blue and the rest of the walls in the living room and down the hall are ivory. Also note that there are no visible speaker wires (that was a project in itself but we succeeded).

And this is the back wall in the kitchen that we painted a couple months back. The rest of the kitchen walls are ivory to flow with the house.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Leave me alone - I have been busy

Okay so when I logged on today and noticed that it has been over a month since I have posted, I kind of felt bad for my followers (yes I have a few).

Well August has been a busy month. I was sick with the flu at the beginning of the month all the while celebrating turning another year older. By the middle of the month, I was ready to paint our house. We have been talking about it for quite some time but we actually did it. We hid the speaker wires, repaired the wall where those are hid, and painted. And if I do say so myself, it looks awesome! I will post pics on a separate posting (they are on the home computer).

The end of the month brought forth a lot of work for Aaron. He was busy working his tail end off at work and ended up with some nice overtime for it.

Labor Day weekend included a trip to San Diego which I will post about in a couple days. I have to collect my thoughts and details before I end up rambling.