Saturday, March 6, 2010

Code Brown

This evening was rather interesting in the Perry house. Kaidynce was playing in the bath and Brennan just ran into the bathroom to join her. I was giving Aaron the list for Walmart and then we heard it. That cry where you know a child is scared. We both run in to see Brennan shaking, crying, and saying things that were beyond understandable. I asked him what was wrong, kind of having a feeling I knew what happened. He pointed to the back of the tub and said "That!"

Before looking into the tub, I already knew. As I got closer to the tub, my suspicions had been correct. Looking menacing and rather disgusting was the answer. Poop!

Aaron calms Brennan down by taking him out of the tub (I was dying of laughter at Brennan's reaction to the whole situation because as parents the poop doesn't phase us). We get Kaidynce out and then I proceed to rewash her and wash him in our bathtub while Aaron cleaned the front tub and disposed of our present. At this point, Brennan looked at me without any concern in his eyes and says, "I poop in the tub." So I ask him why and his answer was "I no poop in the tub again."

What do you do with that response except tell him that it was disgusting and to not do it again but to get out and try the potty chair.

Now Kaidynce keeps walking to the bathroom door with the stink face and telling us that it is yucky! Wonder if they will ever take a bath in that tub again.....time will tell.


  1. I need to hang out at with you guys more often. At your house!

  2. Im with Jake on that......Dont mind us were!
